I love Jesus enough to punch you in the mouth (Children’s Ministry Moment #9)

Childrens_Ministry_MomentsWe have one child in our class who is not really a bully, but he wants the other kids to know that he’s cool and tough and all that.  The other day , I was taking he and a group of other kids to the restroom.  He was walking beside me with a couple of the other boys and explaining that he loved Jesus more than anything.  My heart warmed a little bit just listening to him proclaim his love for our savior.  About ten seconds later, we reached the restroom and he announced to the little boy beside him,

“I really need to go bad, and if you try to go in first I’m going to punch you in the mouth!”

I guess we’re all a work in progress!

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One Response

  1. I so identify with this boy (and I’m an adult). I’m glad God continues to work on us.

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